Androidgrl's Blog About 3D Printing & Tech, by Jamie Kawahara

How to use a Kinect to take a 3D scan and Print It

This is a tutorial on how to use a Kinect to take a 3D scan and print it on a Lulzbot printer. Follow these instructions and you will be able to make a 3D print of a person!

Image of 3D print of Rick Bacci Pictured here is a model of my friend Rick Bacci

  1. Download Skanect free software from Skanect Occipital note this free version will only allow you to save a low resolution of your scan. For high resolution you will have to buy the software (cost $130).

  2. Plug in the Kinect to your computer before opening the Skanect software

  3. Open Skanect

  4. Watch my Youtube video which demonstrates: how to make a scan of a person, how to export it as an .stl file, and how to import the file to slic3r.

  5. Once it’s imported to slic3r, follow the instructions below for how to make a print on a lulzbot Taz 4. Or, proceed with your usual way of making 3D prints!